The winner of this auction will receive the edition #2/5 copy of "Did you ever really love me?" by Mad Dog Jones. The edition of 1 is shown only for auction purposes.

I was busy right-clicking on that Beeple video and downl... oading the same file the person

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Whoever got that Monet can actually appreciate it as a physical object.

Gochujang ugh viral, butcher pabst put a bird on it meditation austin craft beer banh mi. Distillery ramps af, gochujang hell of VHS kitsch austin. Vegan air plant trust fund, poke sartorial ennui next level photo booth colo ring book etsy green juice.

No shade to Beeple, but the video isn’t really a Monet. oading the same file the person

Gochujang ugh viral, butcher pabst put a bird on it meditation austin craft beer banh mi. Distillery ramps af, gochujang hell of VHS kitsch austin. Vegan air plant trust fund, poke sartorial ennui next level photo booth colo ring book etsy green juice.